
Thursday, June 2, 2011


Okay, I know, I am way behind!! But.... Going all the way to Easter.  It really seems like it was just a week ago.  Time really does fly the older I get!   Easter was great!  All 3 kids got real live Bunnies!  (because we needed a few more animals around here! I could start charging admission to our very own petting  zoo)          They are really cute though!!        
Lunch and the afternoon at the Grandparent's was the best! As always!  We missed those of you who were not there and thought about you as we ate a wonderful lunch!!  I even made a bunny shaped pina colada cake! SOOOOOOO Good!!!  (Well, it was supposed to be shaped like a bunny anyway!)

The flowers were even in full bloom!  Grandmama was so proud, They were Beautiful! 


Thursday, April 7, 2011


My oldest celebrated her 12th birthday this week!!  I still cannot believe it has been 12 years since we were blessed with this beautiful baby girl!  Sometimes it seems like yesterday, while other times it seems like it was forever ago!!!   She says she is "too old" for a party, so she and friends went to out to eat and to a movie.  They got their own table, ordered all by themselves and sent the bill to her Daddy, who was setting with me just a few tables away!!  He was really funny, the waitor had seated them, them was going to put us at a table across the restaurant, he looked at me and said "really", then nicely asked the waitor for a table a little closer to them!! He can't let her grow up too fast. :)

Birthday morning I fixed her favorite, Homemade Cinnamon Rolls

Usually they get to decide what they want for dinner or if they want to go out for dinner.  Well, it just so happens Baseball / Softball has started so... One had a ballgame and she had practice, so she had ball-game nachos for dinner, and I let her :) she thought that was great!!    And of course we still had cake when we got home!   She wanted to make it easy on me (right!!) so she just wanted a "Houndstooth and Hot Pink" Birthday Cake!   She was very pleased with the results, and I must admit, I was too!!!

Not too bad for my first bow and curly q's!   The bottom layer was Marble cake and the top was Pound Cake!  Both layers were covered with Buttercream icing!   The pound cake even turned out very good!  

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Toy Story Cake

Here are pictures of the Toy Story cake I made for Trenton's 3rd Birthday!!!
The bottom layer was Dark Chocolate and the top layer was a yellow cake!  He was so excited!

Not professional, but certainly not too bad for my first Toy Story Cake!

Monday, March 28, 2011

This blog is something I have been wanting to do for a very long time, so finally, here it goes!! 
My three kids are my life, who keep me very, very busy!  The two oldest play softball / baseball, on two teams each, yes that is two softball teams and two baseball teams for a total of four!!!  And the oldest still cloggs in addition to the softball teams!  The youngest, the baby, just turned three.  So of course he is into everything imaginable.  It is never dull around here, there is always somewhere to go, something to do, or something to practice, so I am always looking for ways to simplify our lives.  And sometimes I have to get creative!!!

I guess Today is somewhat a day of firsts for me.  It's the first day of my new blog and the first day back to my "healthy" lifestyle.  And it could possibly be the first time I have ever gotten red clay out of white baseball pants!  That one is not looking too promising though!   After a very long day of baseball through several weather delays and much rain, my sons white baseball pants are an orangy clay color.   So far, after soaking overnight and shout and scrubbing with cleaner and more shout and scrubbing and washing three times, they are almost looking white again! Almost....